Whether your situation involves collection cases or defence against a claim, or even a class action suit in the realm of Consumer Law, we have the skills required to take action.

Consumer Law

The Consumer Protection Act is a law governing different types of consumer contracts between a business person and a consumer.

Subject to this law are money lending contracts and contracts involving credit. Our experience in matters involving the recovery of loans, among others, for financial institutions, has led us to acquire a sound knowledge of the rules applicable to these types of contracts as well as of the remedies available for the recovery of a loan or the facility of consumer credit, as plaintiffs or defendants.

We also have comprehensive collection experience in matters involving instalment sales contracts, for example automobile or furniture sales. This experience has also been useful to us as defence council whenever a consumer is subject to legal action for property repossession, when the conditions laid down in the law, or the terms of the contract itself do not respect the stringent terms of the Act.

Long term lease contracts (for automobiles or furniture) are also familiar ground for us.

Whether your situation involves collection cases or defence against a claim, or even a class action suit in the realm of Consumer Law, we have the skills required to take action.