Whether you need council as a plaintiff or for defence, our team will guide you and, together, we shall find solutions with the greatest respects for your rights.

The Law of Persons

Whether your issue is one of filiation, your name, your place of residence, your marital status, health care consent, legal personality, legal capacity, tutorship to minors or protective supervision for persons of full age incapable of giving consent or the homologation of a mandate in case of incapacity, Barrette & Associates Inc. can be of assistance and our attorneys are at your disposal to help you with any need that you might have.

The Law of Persons also includes the right to life, to personal security, inviolability and freedom, economic, social, legal and political rights as well as the right to equality. In this respect, our offices have a proven track record in matters involving defamation, libel, slander and the freedom of speech and we have successfully obtained a favourable ruling from the Québec Court of Appeal in a matter regarding a SLAPP suit (a strategic lawsuit against public participation).

Whether you need council as a plaintiff or for defence, our team will guide you and, together, we shall find solutions with the greatest respects for your rights.